Enhance the array of pursuits that you are passionate about
From casual hiking to mountaineering and everything in between. From beginner to expert, all levels of experience are welcome.
Let’s get outside! Join a group for people with a strong passion.
Buckle up and lock in your seats for the upcoming season, because it’s about to be a wild ride.
CIne suntem noi
Desfăşoarăm programe şi activităţi educaţionale în penitenciare şi şcoli din România.
Fundaţia Stânca Veacurilor este o fundaţie nonprofit, nonguvernamentală, apolitică, cu personalitate juridică, cu sediul în B-dul Aurel Vlaicu nr.108A, Constanţa.
Hiking & Cycling Groups
If you desire to experience the ultimate outdoor adventure, our hiking & cycling group provides the perfect opportunity.
Swimming Group
Indoor Sports Group
Conveniently located Indoor Sports Facilities. Join Table Tennis, Badminton, Pickleball or Yoga groups.
ce facem noi
We are providing recreational facilities
We want people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to be able to cycle, hike or exercise safely, easily and enjoyably.
We want a cleaner, happier and healthier world. We want people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to be able to cycle safely, easily and enjoyably.
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Mircea Cristian
Presedinte Fundatia Stanca Veacurilor
We are grateful to our awesome sponsors. Thank you!
We believe that in everything we do, it is an active part
of social, cultural and environmental change.
We touch dozens of lives of everyday people making real differences to people’s physical, mental and emotional health. Here are a few stats:
Latest Community Club News
March 28, 2024 • One Comment
Hello world!
June 20, 2023 • 2 Comments
A series of non-competitive cycling rides that are popular
May 31, 2023 • 2 Comments
Activities in some of your favourite woodlands
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